Easy = True Duh.

Posted by Ron B'Jergendy | Posted in

After reading the article, Easy = True, my only response is duh. Why wouldn't people tend to choice the things that they are familiar with or think is easier? When you have to follow directions and the directions are harder read, the task is going to seem harder to complete. When your presented with something multiple times you are going to prefer it. I am an Engineering Major, if I am shown how to do a problem one time and get confronted with a similar problem, I am going to solve it the same way as the previous problem because I am familiar with it even if there is a much simpler way. Why, because I know it is reliable. The main thing I got out of this article is that if I want to make a point in my writing, I should make it easy to understand and relate it to something people are familiar with. I do not like how this article makes this idea seem so ground breaking a new. People like what is easier and people like what they are familiar with, this isn't rocket science.

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