You know what I'm sayin'?

Posted by eriku | Posted in

No, I do not know what you're "sayin'" when when you ask me questions or use phrases or words that do not make sense.
"Whats good?"
First of all, what would be an answer to this question, "everything", "nothing", am I supposed to explain each factor that is good or bad in my life? My answer would most likely be "huh?". I now know that "Whats good?" means "Whats up?" from the one who asked the question, which also does not make sense. If someone wants to know how I am, they could ask "How are you?" or "What are you doing?" instead of asking nonsensical questions.
"Where you at?"
"Where are you?" would be an easier question to understand and answer, but Boost mobile ads promoted this phrase and now it is too commonly heard among phone conversations and in text messages.
"supposed" v. "suppose" and "used" v. "use"
I know that many people drop the 'd' at the end of used and supposed because of the following 't' sound, but I cannot help how much this bothers me
"lol", "nm", "omg", and other instant/text message shorthand
Messaging phrases are useful when actually messaging, but when they are used in face-to-face conversations it crosses the line.

And although nonsensical phrases and words bother me, I cannot disagree that when used correctly, they can add to the musicality or coloration of the words. So although, I may know "what you're sayin'", it still annoys me.

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