
Posted by eriku | Posted in

Obviously I am early to say goodbye, but what can I say, I'm extremely excited for summer! ILS 200, besides fulfilling my communication b requirement, also greatly helped me understand the power of writing and how to appeal to my audience, both of which I did not fully understand or appreciate before. Although I still find it somewhat difficult to write about myself and how I perceive pathos and ethos in writing, I've enjoyed discovering writing styles that are not strictly logical and academic in nature.

I also have decided to join the certificate program for ILS because of the interest in the undergrads that my past and present ILS professors (Elder, Hunt and Sharlin) and TA's have shown. It is refreshing to have professors who genuinely want to spend time with the undergrads and focus on their success as well as their own success as scholars and professors.

Adios chicos, I wish you well in your academic career and your work career for those lucky ducks who are graduating and starting their next stage in life. Erin out.

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