The Last Entry

Posted by Sunloooo | Posted in

I had no expectation at all for a Com B class before this class. Intensive writing, as what I thought what this class would be, is never an exciting experience for me. But I was completely wrong. This class has offered me a lot of new perspectives of writing, or more precisely, the thoughts and tacts I could put in my writing. It is interesting to know how widely the rhetorical techniques are used in our daily life and they actually do achieve their effects.

One takeaway that might be very useful for others as well is that the awareness of our delivery and the audience’s reception. It is such a truth that could be applied to many aspects of our life. Often times we complain about friends and family for not understanding or not supporting. It could be the way we express ourselves is not easy to understand or the way they show their support cannot be explicitly captured. After all, it is all about delivering the message in the right way at the right moment and this class has provided an interesting starting point for us to work on.

One of my long-existing perceptions on English speakers that this class has overturned---they actually do know how to appreciate the beauty of long sentences. (After going through many English academic writing, I was effectively brainwashed to believe that simple=good.)

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